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Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems Author Instructions | Soil Science Society of America Skip to main content Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems Author Instructions Jump to: Related editorial...Agriculture & Regional Food Systems is a multidisciplinary open access journal that publishes original research and reviews on urban and peri-urban agricultural production for food and other human related...nutritious, and safe food and other important plant products for a growing and rapidly urbanizing world population in times of increasing resource scarcity, diet-related ill-health, and climate change....

Individual Membership Application AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRONOMY | CROP SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA | SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA Member Services Department • 5585 Guilford Road • Madison WI • • To apply online, go to: OR OR If you previously held ASA, CSSA, and/or SSSA membership...of Agronomy or Crop Science Society of America or Soil Science Society of America in U.S. funds drawn from a U.S. bank.) □ VISA □ MasterCard □ Discover □ American Express Credit Card Number __________ Expiration...

Nitrogen from biosolids can help urban soils and plant growth | Soil Science Society of America Skip to main content Nitrogen from biosolids can help urban soils and plant growth July 8, 2019 - Adityarup...pathogens, but high in nutrients. They can be applied to agricultural or urban soils needing fertilizer and other soil health improvements. That reuses a former “waste” material – and helps the environment...bioavailable nitrogen. “We need to know how much nitrogen becomes bioavailable when we add biosolids to the soil,” says Odiney Alvarez-Campos, a researcher at Virginia Tech. “We want to supply enough for healthy...

and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) represent more than 18,000 scientists in academia, industry, and government, 12,500 Certified Crop Advisers (CCA), and 781 Certified Professional Soil Scientists...Scientists (CPSS). We are the largest coalition of professionals dedicated to the agronomic, crop and soil science disciplines in the United States. Climate change is indeed an existential threat, and the Societies...of emissions worldwide.1 It does not need to be this way. Farmed soils have between 25 and 75 percent less carbon than undisturbed soils, which means that agriculture has the potential to be an enormous...

(CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) represent more than 8,000 scientists in academia, industry, and government, 12,500 Certified Crop Advisers (CCA), and 781 Certified Professional Soil Scientists...Scientists (CPSS). We are the largest coalition of professionals dedicated to the agronomic, crop and soil science disciplines in the United States. The House Agriculture Committee’s timely hearing on Climate...and forestry are the linchpins of America’s fight against climate change. Agricultural and forest soils have the potential to sequester enough carbon to make America carbon neutral, if not a carbon sink...

(CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) represent more than 8,000 scientists in academia, industry, and government, 12,500 Certified Crop Advisers (CCA), and 781 Certified Professional Soil Scientists...Scientists (CPSS). We are the largest coalition of professionals dedicated to the agronomic, crop and soil science disciplines in the United States. The Senate Agriculture Committee’s timely hearing on Climate...and forestry are the linchpins of America’s fight against climate change. Agricultural and forest soils have the potential to sequester enough carbon to make America carbon neutral, if not a carbon sink...

run dry, and management practices based on water-use estimates can be put into place to protect the health of downstream fisheries. Farmers rely on NASS estimates when making contracts with buyers, and seed...stresses, to understand infrastructure needs, and to determine the economic impact of the dry bean food chain within each county. The loss of irrigated/non-irrigated data is particularly concerning. Scientists...connections between practices, weather, and outcomes like yield. These connections can be used to discover vulnerabilities for specific crops, for example to climate change, and to suggest remedies.1,2 Scientists...

Community gardens | Soil Science Society of America Skip to main content Community gardens What is a community garden? The American Community Gardening Association defines community garden broadly. A community...gardens: Combat food insecurity, both in quantity and quality Build on the resources of cities, towns, and counties to deal with urban problems Fight climate change by reducing the distance food travels, and...and minimize the carbon footprint of food Boost the local economy Improve community health through better nutrition and increased physical activity Create social capital In short, community gardens build...

Certified Professional Soil Scientist CPSS Certified Professional Soil Scientist Application In order to qualify for certification, one of the two points below must be met (for full CPSS certification...certification, not APSS): 1. Hold a BS in Soil Science or closely related Agricultural, Earth, or Environmental Science (e.g., a named option in Soil Science, minor in Soil Science) and 5 years of work experience.... Or 2. Hold a MS or PhD degree in Soil Science or closely related Agricultural, Earth, or Environmental Science (e.g., a named option in Soil Science, minor in Soil Science) and 3 years of work experience...

Hispanic Month | Soil Science Society of America Skip to main content Hispanic and Latinx Month Honorees To celebrate various diversity months, the Societies are honoring several of our recent award winners...simultaneously source and sink traits to increase total grain yield. My career excites me through discovering new things that can be value for the society. A mentor that has helped me in my scientific up for a career that uses ecology, statistics, and communication skills to promote sustainable food systems. My MS and Ph.D. advisor, Matt Ryan, has helped me become a better researcher by giving me...

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