Soil Physics and Hydrology Division
Welcome! You can get involved with the Soil Physics and Hydrology Division on the Discussion Board. On this page you'll find award information and additional links of interest.
Mentoring and social activities are generously supported by Gaylon and Judith Campbell Soil Physics Mentoring Program Fund
The Gaylon and Judith Campbell Soil Physics Mentoring Program Fund was established on November 11, 2019, through a generous donation by Campbell Scientific, Inc. and the Meter Group, Inc./Decagon Devices, Inc. The primary activities of the Fund will be to mentor student and early career members; to familiarize them with the functioning of the Soil Physics and Hydrology (SPH) Division within SSSA, and to provide guidance and feedback on their role as educators and researchers in the agricultural and environmental sciences for the betterment of society.
This fund has been generously provided in the name of Emeritus Professor, Dr. Gaylon Campbell, and his wife, Judith Campbell. Dr. Campbell is an influential and inspiring faculty member and researcher from Washington State University and, later, the innovative founder of Meter Group Inc./Decagon Devices, Inc. We are extremely grateful for the Campbell family’s commitment to the SPH Division and SSSA. This gift enhances our mentoring and recognition activities for the next generation of soil scientists.
Don and Betty Kirkham Award
The Don and Betty Kirkham Soil Physics Award is designed to recognize a mid-career soil scientist who has made outstanding contributions in the areas of soil physics. This award is supported by the Don and Betty Kirkham Fund established through the Agronomic Science Foundation and administered by the Soil Science Society of America. Nominate Here!
Past Award Recipients
2024: Ying Ouyang, USDA Forest Service
2023: Ole Wendroth, Kentucky State Univ.
2022: Hans-Joerg Vogel
2021: Lis Wollesen, Aarhus Univ.
2020: Alexandra Kravchenko, Michigan State Univ.
2019: Scott Bradford, USDA-ARS
2018: David Robinson, Center for Ecology and Hydrology
2017: Markus Flury, Washington State Univ.
2016: Shmuel Assouline, Agricultural Research Organization of Israel
2015: Yan Jin, Univ. of Delaware
2014: Binayak Mohanty, Texas A&M Univ.
Soil Physics and Hydrology Early Career Award
The Soil Physics and Hydrology Early Career Award was developed to recognize early career scientists, who have made an outstanding contribution to Soil Physics and Hydrology. Apply Here!
Past Recipients
2024: Briana Wyatt
2023: Jingyi Huang
2022: Salini Sasidharan
2021: Hailong He
2020: Behzad Ghanbarian
2019: Ryan Stewart
2018: Morteza Sadeghi
2017: Emmanuel Arthur
2016: Asim Biswas
2015: Nima Shokri
2014: Martine van der Ploeg
2013: Shoichiro Hamamoto
2012: Joshua Heitman
2011: Navin Twarakavi
2010: Naftali Lazarovitch
2009: Tyson Ochsner
2008: Alex Furman
2007: Jasper Vrugt
2006: Sander Huisman
2005: David Robinson
2004: Frank Casey
2003: Markus Tuller
2002: Ty Ferre
Luxmoore Soil Physics Student Travel Award
The Robert Luxmoore Soil Physics Student Travel Award is designed to support travel of students to the Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of America. This award is supported by a generous bequest made by Robert Luxmoore to the Soil Physics Mentoring Fund, which has been established through the Agronomic Science Foundation and is administered by the Soil Science Society of America. Apply Here!
Past Recipients
2024: Wenyi Cui, University of California-Davis
2023: Karina Lenko, North Carolina State Univ.
2023: Alam Reyes Ramirez, North Carolina State Univ.
2023: Alireza Ghaderi Bafti, Univ. of Florida
2022: Tiantian Zhou, Univ. of California- Riverside
2022: Chihiro Naruke Dixon, Utah State Univ.
2021: William (Jerry) Brown, Oklahoma State Univ.
2021: Yingxue Yu, Washington State Univ.
2020: No administered due to COVID restrictions
2019: Navdeep Singh, South Dakota State Univ.
2019: Doron Kalisman, Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev
2018: Ekrem Ozlu, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
2018: Mohammad Gohardoust, The Univ. of Arizona
2017: Jingjing Chen, Virginia Tech
2017: Kshitij Parajuli, Utah State Univ.
2016: Naima Khan, New Mexico State Univ.
2016: Jing Liang, Univ. of California, Riverside
2015: Maninder Chahal, Washington State Univ.
2015: Sara Vero, Teagasc, Agriculture and Food Development Authority, Ireland
Soil Physics and Hydrology Oral/Poster student competition winners
1st place - Chihiro Naruke Dixon, Utah State University
2nd place - Jin Ho Lee, Michigan State University
3rd place - Yulissa Perez Rojas, University of California
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting
Kirkham Award Information
- Kirkham Award
- Don and Betty Kirkham Gold Medal Recipients
- Kirkham Biography
- Kirkham Conference Information
Division Officers
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