Don Kirkham Biography | Soil Science Society of America Skip to main content
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Don Kirkham Biography


This webpage is dedicated to the late Don Kirkham, Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor of Agriculture and Professor of Physics at Iowa State University, and his wife Betty.


Don Kirkham Biography

Don Kirkham headshotDon Kirkham (1908-1998), former Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor of Agriculture and Professor of Physics at Iowa State University, was probably the best-known soil physicist of the 20th Century. His special interest was the flow of water through soils and drainage of agricultural land. Given that much of Iowa's farmland would not support a crop without drainage, this special interest was highly appropriate at Iowa State.

Kirkham was born and raised in Utah. After two years as a missionary in Germany for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he studied physics at Columbia University, where he earned bachelor's, master's and Ph.D. degrees. Returning in 1937 to  teach mathematics and physics at Utah State University, he became aware of agricultural and soil sciences by way of the newly emerging discipline of soil physics. These new vistas came about under the inspirational tutelage of Prof. Willard Gardner, soil physicist in the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station.

In Kirkham's own words: "Although my teaching load was 18 hours a week, I was so much fascinated by the Utah State soil physics research program that I entered into it." In fact, he published 11 papers relating to drainage of agricultural soils between 1939 and 1946.

Don and Betty KirkhamIt was also at Utah State that Kirkham met his future wife, Betty. She also had studied at Columbia University, but the two never met there. They married on September 2, 1939, and raised three children: Victoria Eulalia, Mary Beth, and Don Collier.

Returning from war service with the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory in 1946, Kirkham was appointed as associate professor of soils and of physics at Iowa State University, with responsibilities for research and teaching in soil physics. This gave him the opportunity to devote much of his time and inexhaustible energy to agricultural drainage problems, thus enabled the flowering of his own special genius - his unparalleled insight and skill in solving the mathematical boundary value problems of soil-water movement, particularly as related to saturated flow and drainage.

The host of exact mathematical solutions he provided has established him as without peer in this specialty, and qualifies him to be known as the founder of mathematical soil physics. He is credited with laying a mathematical foundation for drainage theory, changing the design of drainage systems from a purely experience-based skill to one based on physical understanding.

Don Kirkham with a birthday cake at 80 years oldRecognized as a highly effective teacher even by students outside soil physics, Kirkham's principal educational achievement is the 89 graduate degrees students earned under his guidance. He also was a prolific writer, co-authoring with his former student, Bill Powers, the highly regarded textbook, Advanced Soil Physics. He was first author on more than 70 scientific publications and co-author on many more.

He accepted a number of overseas assignments, including to The Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, Egypt and Argentina. He also received many honors, among them an honorary degree from the University of Ghent in Belgium, as well as the coveted Wolf Prize. He formally retired in 1978, but continued to work and publish until his death in 1998.

In the last century, Don Kirkham probably had more impact on drainage theory and soil physics as a discipline than any other person in the world. His towering contribution came not solely from his considerable intelligence and intellectual skills but also from his kindly and unpretentious demeanor and spirit in dealing with students, colleagues and others.


Mary Elizabeth (Betty) Erwin Kirkham

Mary Elizabeth Erwin was born in Marion, Iowa, the daughter of George Leslie Erwin, a grocer, and Stella Franz Erwin, one of the first telephone operators in Iowa before her marriage in 1907. Betty was a valedictorian graduate of Marion High School in Marion, Iowa. In June, 1935, she received a bachelor's degree summa cum laude from Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with a major in English. She graduated first in her class of 121 graduating seniors. As an undergraduate, she was elected into the National Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. After graduating from college, she worked one year as an insurance underwriter for Mutual Fire and Tornado Association in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She then won a Lydia C. Roberts fellowship for graduate work at Columbia University in New York City. In June, 1937, she obtained her master's degree in the Department of English at Columbia University.

Don and Betty KirkhamIn 1937-1938, she pursued her Ph.D. at Columbia University with the Lydia C. Roberts fellowship, but vacated the fellowship in September, 1938, to accept a higher paying job as an instructor in the English Department at Utah State College. She needed the money during the Depression to support herself and her parents. In Logan, Utah, she met Don Kirkham, and they married on September 2, 1939, after she had taught for one year at Utah State. Following their marriage, she purposefully gave up her career to support Don in his. She helped him with his experiments and edited and typed his manuscripts.

She often edited the theses of Don's graduate students. In the early years, she would type the theses, volunteering her time, and, on one occasion, she stayed up all night to meet a grad school deadline. She and Don opened their home to Don's students for dinner parties and often hosted international students on holidays. Don and Betty had three children: Victoria Eulalia, Professor of Romance Languages at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Mary Beth, Professor, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan; and Don Collier, Senior Partner in the law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore, New York City. Collier and his wife, Ann Smith Kirkham, a native of Fairfield, Iowa, have four children: John Collier, a senior at Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass.; Elizabeth Ann, a freshman at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.; Robert Paul, an eighth grader; and Amy Lorraine, a fifth grader.

In 1960, Betty returned to college teaching and was an assistant professor in the English Department at Iowa State University, until December, 1979, when she took early retirement to travel with Don to his professional meetings. She was named Outstanding Teacher of English at Iowa State University in 1976. Betty was active in Camp Fire Girls and was leader of a local group, 1951-1956. In 1955, she received the National Camp Fire Award for Group Leadership from the National Camp Fire Girls Council. In addition to Phi Kappa Phi, she was a member of Zeta Phi Eta (National Speech Arts Honorary), International Council of Teachers of English, the Modern Language Association, Alpha Gamma Delta, Daughter's of the American Revolution, Iowa State University Faculty Women's Club, Crescent Senior Women's Honor Society, and the First United Methodist Church. Betty frequently was asked to speak and gave professional book reviews and talks about her travels with Don. She contributed articles about her extensive travels to magazines and newspapers and had some of her poetry published. Betty loved music and was an accomplished pianist. She died May 9, 1996, of Wegener's granulomatosis, an uncommon auto-immune disease.



Don & Betty and their grandson Robby Kirkham, Ames, IA, 1988.
Don & Betty and their grandson Robby Kirkham, Ames, IA, 1988. 

Don Kirkham, inspired and supported in an unparalleled unselfish way by his wife Betty, was an exceptional man. He influenced in the past century, more than anybody else, developments in the field of soil physics.

Students, friends, colleagues, family, and the Soil Science Society of America decided to commemorate this unique couple in a lasting way. Shortly after Don's death in 1998, they established the Don and Betty Kirkham Soil Physics Award and the Kirkham Conference, programs  within the Soil Science Society of America, as a permanent tribute to this unforgettable couple.

From the beginning, Don Nielsen, from the University of California in Davis, and a student of Don Kirkham, has been a key driver behind the realization of the quadrennial Conferences. Rienk van der Ploeg, professor of soil physics at the University of Hannover, Germany, also had a major influence through establishment of the Lena and Maria van der Ploeg Fund in memory of his late sister, Lena, and in honour of his wife, Maria. The late Dr van der Ploeg established this permanent endowment to recognize scholarship in soil physics, and it is used to support the Kirkham Conferences. Learn more.

This list of Don Kirkham's students was compiled by Mary Beth Kirkham on December 8, 1999 and updated by Toby Ewing in August of 2000. Students are roughly in chronological order by date on which they started at Iowa State University.

  • Cornelius (Kees) Hendricus Maria van Bavel | Center Point, TX | Phone: (830) 634-2584
  • Richard Keller Frevert | Deceased
  • James Nicholas Luthin | Deceased
  • Robert Harold Shaw | Ames, IA 50010 | Phone: (515) 232-4238
  • Ronald Cropper Reeve | Columbus, Ohio
  • George Stanley Taylor | Columbus, Ohio | Phone: (614) 457-6189
  • Glen Orville Schwab | Columbus, OH | Phone: (614) 292-9806
  • Kenneth Kirtland Barnes | Deceased
  • Wilford Robert Gardner | Logan, Utah | Phone: (435) 752-0703
  • Marcel Florent de Boodt | Ghent, Belgium
  • Dale Swartzendruber | Lincoln, Nebraska | Phone: (402) 464-7360
  • Wayne Owen Willis | Deceased
  • Ralph Ludlow Rollins | Provo, Utah | Phone: (801) 378-2811
  • Daniel Donald Evans | Deceased
  • Marinus Maasland | Deceased
  • Jan van Schilfgaarde | Fort Collins, Colorado | Phone: (970) 226-1650
  • Wayne LeRoy Decker | Columbia, Missouri | Phone: (573) 892-6592
  • John Edgar Adams | Deceased
  • Wendell Clifford Johnson | Deceased
  • Wesley Funk Buchele | Ames, Iowa | Phone: (515) 292-2933
  • Jack Ralph Runkles | San Angelo, Texas | Phone: (915) 949-5281
  • Ray Dean Jackson | Tempe, Arizona
  • William Chapel Burrows | Coal Valley, Illinois
  • Karl Ralph Stockinger | Deceased
  • John Floyd Stone | Stillwater, Oklahoma
  • Donald Rodney Nielsen | Davis, California | Phone: (530) 753-5760,
  • George Raymond Benoit | Williston, Vermont
  • Creighton Randall Jensen | Tacoma, Washington | Phone: (253) 572-2659
  • Ronald Edward Phillips | Shelbyville, Indiana
  • Ben Leo Grover | Deceased
  • Raymond John Kunze | Warda, Texas | Phone: (979) 242-3430
  • Andrew Stanislaw Rogowski | University Park, Pennsylvania | Phone: (814) 865-0052
  • Dan Zaslavsky | Haifa, Israel
  • Thomas Daniel Hinesly | Urbana, Illinois
  • Maurice Lee Horton | Herndon, Virginia | Phone: (703) 318-7404
  • James Teddy Ligon | Pendelton, South Carolina
  • William LeRoy Powers | Lincoln, Nebraska | Phone: (402) 472-1529
  • Jerry Keith Radke | Nevada, Iowa | Phone: (515) 382-4102
  • Mohamed Shaban Asseed | Alexandria, Egypt
  • Sadik Toksöz | Istanbul, Turkey
  • Glen Orval Klock | Wenatchee, Washington | Phone: (509) 663-2698
  • Joe Tackett Ritchie | Okemos, Michigan | Phone: (517) 353-4702
  • Arthur Will Warrick | Tucson, Arizona | Phone: (520) 621-1516
  • Bruce Arnold Kimball | Phoenix, Arizona
  • John Charles Corey | Aiken, South Carolina | Phone: (803) 725-1134
  • Helmy Mohammed Ahmed Bakr | Alexandria, Egypt
  • Sam-Arng Srinilta | Deceased
  • Dennis Eugene Rolston | Davis, California | Phone: (530) 752-2113
  • Hussein Magd Eldin Selim | Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  • Robert Shirley Mansell | Gainesville, Florida | Phone: (352) 392-1956
  • Daniel Dale Fritton | University Park, Pennsylvania | Phone: (814) 865-1143
  • John Mulqueen | Galway, Ireland | Phone: +353 91 52441-3107
  • Muhammad Yunus Khan | Lahore, Pakistan
  • Charles Warren Boast | Urbana, Illinois
  • Rienk R. van der Ploeg | Hannover, Germany | Phone: ++49 511-762 4902
  • Sun-Ho Yoo | Suwon, Korea | Phone: (031) 290-2403
  • Donald Maurice Marie Gabriels | Ghent, Belgium
  • Kingsley Bode Adeoye | Zaria, Nigeria
  • Norris Ledford Powell | Suffolk, Virginia | Phone: (757) 657-6450 112
  • John Colin Taylor | Silsoe, England
  • Mohammad Najmaii | Tehran, Iran
  • Albert Leroy Griffiths | Calamus, Iowa
  • John Howard Cushman | West Lafayette, Indiana | Phone: (765) 494-8040
  • James Marling Gregory | Lubbock, Texas
  • Sayed-Farhad Mousavi | Isfahan, Iran | Phone: 98 3189 13083
  • Anwar Munir Battikhi | Irbid, Jordan
  • Fadel Musa Hashem | Libya
  • Lyle Delmar Prunty | Fargo, North Dakota | Phone: (701) 231-8580
  • Lynn Ellen Rubisch Penniman | Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Stephen Bruce Affleck | Boise, Idaho
  • Mohammad Inanlou | Mashad, Iran | Phone: 98 51 789660
  • Abdullah Saad Modaish | Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Mohamad Sami Selim | Deceased
  • Ram Prakash Arora | New Delhi, India
  • Paul Benecke | Göttingen, Germany
  • Mirza Raza Saeed | Nigeria
  • Tomasz Brandyk | Warsaw, Poland
  • Wilfried Brutsaert | Ithaca, New York

  • Kirkham, Don. 1937. The variation of the initial susceptibility with temperature, and the variation of the magneto striction and reversible susceptibility with temperature and magnetization in nickel. Physical Review 52: 1162-1167.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1939. Abstract: Streamline flow of water from an artesian basin into horizontal drains: Theory compared with experiment. Physical Review 56: 852.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1939. Artificial drainage of land: Streamline experiments. The artesian basin I. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 20: 677-680.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1940. Artificial drainage of land: Streamline experiments. The artesian basin II. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 21: 587-593.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1940. Abstract: Solution of Laplace's equation in application to the artificial drainage of waterlogged land overlying an impervious layer. Physical Review 57: 1058.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1941. Abstract: Conjugate potentials of a grid between conducting plates. Physical Review 59: 111.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1940. Pressure and streamline distribution in waterlogged land overlying an impervious layer. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 5: 65-68.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1942. Modification of a theory on the relation of suspended to bed-material in rivers. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 23: 618-621.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1945. Artificial drainage of land: Streamline experiments. The artesian basin III. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 26: 393-406.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1945. Proposed method for field measurement of permeability of soil below the water table. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 10: 58-68.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1946. Discussion of C. E. Jacob's article "Radial flow in a leaky artesian aquifer." Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 26: 206-209.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1948. Abstract: A two-dimensional potential problem with application to soil drainage. Physical Review 73: 1228.
  • J-1418. Kirkham, Don. 1946. Field method for determination of air permeability of soil in its undisturbed state. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 11: 93-99.
  • J-1451. Kirkham, Don and C. L Feng. 1949. Some tests of the diffusion theory, and laws of capillary flow, in soils. Soil Sci. 67: 29-40.
  • J-1472. Kirkham, Don. 1949. Flow of ponded water into drain tubes in soil overlying an impervious layer. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 30: 369-385.
  • J-1503. Kirkham, Don. 1947. Reduction in seepage to soil under drains resulting from their partial embedment in, or proximity to, an impervious substratum. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 12: 54-59.
  • J-1504. Kirkham, Don. 1947. Studies of hillside seepage in the Iowan drift area. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 12: 73-80.
  • J-1590. Hammond, L.C., and Don Kirkham. 1949. Growth curves of soybeans and corn. Agronomy Journal 41: 23-29.
  • J-1624. van Bavel, C.H.M., and Don Kirkham. 1948. Field measurement of soil permeability using auger holes. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13: 90-96.
  • J-1625. Kirkham, Don, and C.H.M. Bavel. 1948. Theory of seepage into auger holes. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13: 75-82.
  • J-1644. Luthin, J.N., and Don Kirkham. 1949. A piezometer method for measuring permeability of soil in situ below a water table. Soil Sci. 68: 349-358.
  • J-1650. Frevert, R.K. and Don Kirkham. 1948. A field method for measuring the permeability of soil below a water table. Proc. Highway Res. Board 28: 433-442.
  • J-1673. Kirkham, Don. 1950. Seepage into ditches in the case of a plane water table and an impervious substratum. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 31: 425-430.
  • J-1689. Kirkham, Don, and G.S. Taylor. 1949. Some tests of a four-electrode probe for soil moisture measurement. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 14: 42-46.
  • J-1690. Evans, D.D., and Don Kirkham. 1949. Measurement of the air permeability of soil in situ. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 14: 65-73.
  • J-1728. Kirkham, Don. 1950. Potential flow into circumferential openings in drain tubes. Journal Applied Physics 21: 655-660.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1951. Abstract: Potential flow into circumferential openings in drain tubes. Amer. Math. Monthly 58: 139.
  • J-1792. Kirkham, Don, and G.O. Schwab. 1951. The effect of circular perforations on flow into subsurface drain tubes. Part I. Theory. Agric. Eng. 32: 211-214.
  • J-1793. Schwab, G.O. and Don Kirkham. 1951. The effect of circular perforations on flow into subsurface drain tubes. Part II. Experiments and results. Agric. Eng. 32: 270-274.
  • J-1823. Reeve, R.C. and Don Kirkham. 1951. Soil anisotropy and some field methods for measuring permeability. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 32: 582-590.
  • J-1824. Kirkham, Don. 1951. Seepage into drain tubes in stratified soil. I - Drains in the surface stratum. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 32: 422-433.
  • J-1827. Kirkham, Don. 1951. Seepage into drain tubes in stratified soil. II - Drains below the surface stratum. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 32: 433-442.
  • J-1828. Kirkham, Don, and R.E. Gaskell. 1950. The falling water table in tile and ditch drainage. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 15: 37-48.
  • J-1831. Evans, D.D., Don Kirkham, and R.K. Frevert. 1950. Infiltration and permeability in soil overlying an impermeable layer. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 15: 50-54.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1951. Discussion of McNown and Hsu's article "Effect of a partial cutoff on seepage rates." Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 32: 283.
  • J-2007. Gardner, Wilford, and Don Kirkham. 1952. Determination of soil moisture by neutron scattering. Soil Sci. 73: 391-401.
  • J-2071. Kirkham, Don, and J.W. de Zeeuw. 1952. Field measurements for tests of soil drainage theory. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 16: 286-293.
  • J-2185. DeBoodt, M.F., and Don Kirkham. 1953. Anisotrophy and measurement of air permeability of soil clods. Soil Sci. 76: 127-133.
  • J-2188. DeBoodt, M.F., Don Kirkham, and A.J. Englehorn. 1953. Fall vs. spring plowing and soil physical conditions in a rotation experiment. Agronomy Journal 45: 257-261.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1952. Abstract: On the zeros of Jn(xp)Ym(kxp) Jm(kxp)Yn(xp). Amer. Math. Monthly 59: 501.
  • J-2205. Kirkham, Don, and J.R. Runkles. Evaluation of new soil conditioners. Trans. Iowa State Horticultural Society 87: 41-46.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1953. Book Review of "Soil Physical Conditions and Plant Growth". SSSA Proc. 17: 175. See also: 1953. Agronomy Journal 44: 503.
  • J-2326. Swartzendruber, Dale, M.F. DeBoodt, and Don Kirkham. 1954. Capillary intake rate of water and soil structure. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc 18: 1-7.
  • J-2337. Kirkham, Don, and W.V. Bartholomew. 1954. Equations for following nutrient transformations in soil, utilizing tracer data. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 18: 33-34.
  • J-2372. Kirkham, Don. 1954. Seepage of artesian and surface water into drain tubes in stratified soil. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 35: 775-790.
  • J-2501. van Schilfgaarde, Jan, R.K Frevert, and Don Kirkham. 1954. A tile drainage field laboratory. Agric. Eng. 35: 474-478.
  • Kirkham, Don, and W.V. Bartholomew. 1954. Abstract: Mathematical theory for the utilization of tagged atoms in determining plant nutrient transformation rates in soils. Amer. Math. Monthly 61: 514.
  • J-2505. Kirkham, Don. 1955. Measurement of the hydraulic conductivity of soil in place. Symposium Amer. Soc. for Testing Materials, Special Tech. Publ. No. 163, 80-97.
  • Rollins, R.L., M.G. Spangler, and Don Kirkham. 1954. Movement of soil moisture under a thermal gradient. Highway Research Board Proc. 33: 492-508.
  • J-2605. Kirkham, Don, and W.V. Bartholomew. 1955. Equations for following nutrient transformations in soil, utilizing tracer data: II. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 19: 189-192.
  • J-2628. Maasland, Marinus, and Don Kirkham. 1955. Theory and measurement of anisotropic air permeability in soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 19: 395-400.
  • J-2641. Stone, J.F., Don Kirkham, and A.A. Reed. 1955. Soil moisture determination by a portable neutron scattering moisture meter. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 19: 419-423.
  • van Schilfgaarde, Jan, Don Kirkham, and R.K. Frevert. 1956. Physical and mathematical theories of tile and ditch drainage and their usefulness in design. Agricultural Experiment Station, Iowa State College, Research Bulletin No. 436: 667-706.
  • J-2773. Swartzendruber, Dale, and Don Kirkham. 1956. Capillary fringe and flow of water in soil. Soil Sci. 81: 473-484.
  • J-2832. Swartzendruber, Dale and Don Kirkham. 1956. Capillary fringe and flow of water in soil. II. Experimental results. Soil Sci. 82: 81-95.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1956. Book review of L.D. Baver,s "Soil Physics". Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 20: 296; also in Agronomy Journal, 48:195. 1956.
  • J-2913. Kirkham, Don. 1956. Mathematical aspects of soil nitrogen studies. Synposium on use of isotopes in agriculture sponsored by Argonne National Laboratory. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. January, 1956.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1957. Theory of seepage of ponded water into drainage facilities, p.139-181. In J.N. Luthin (ed.) Drainage of Agricultural Lands. Agron. Monogr. 7, ASA and SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin.
  • J-2998. Kirkham, Don. 1958. Graphs and formulas for zeros of cross product Bessel functions. Journal of Mathematics and Physics 36: 371-377.
  • J-3033. Schwab, G.O., Don Kirkham and H.P. Johnson. 1957. Effect of tile spacing on crop yield and water table level in a planosol soil. Soil Sci.Soc. Amer. Proc. 21: 448-452.
  • J-3052. Willis, W.O., W.E. Larson and Don Kirkham. 1957. Corn growth as affected by soil temperature and mulch. Agronomy Journal 49: 323-328.
  • J-3073. Adams, J.E., Don Kirkham and D.R. Nielsen. 1957. A portable rainfall simulator, infiltrometer and physical measurements of soil in place. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 21: 473-477.
  • J-3106. Kirkham., Don. 1957. Potential and capacity of concentric coaxial capped cylinders. Journal of Applied Physics 28: 724-731.
  • J-3179. Kirkham, Don. 1958. Seepage of steady rainfall through soil into drains. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 39: 892-908.
  • J-3247. Jackson, Ray D. and Don Kirkham. 1958. Method of measurement of the real thermal diffusivity of moist soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 22: 479-482.
  • J-3254. Kirkham., Don. 1958. Theory of seepage into an auger hole above an impermeable layer. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 22: 204-208.
  • Nestroy, O. 1958. Report of two lectures delivered in German by Don Kirkham. Wasserhaushalt und Pflanzenwachstum. Oesterreichische Wasserwirtschaft. Hochschule fur Bodenkultur, Vienna, Austria, March 17 and 18.
  • Kirkham., Don. 1958. Advanced Soil Physics. A set of twenty lectures. Soil Science Institute, Ghent, Belgium (mimeographed), 147 pages.
  • J-3255. Burrows, W.C., and Don Kirkham. 1958. Measurement of field capacity with a neutron meter. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 22: 103-105.
  • J-3329. Adams, J.E., Don Kirkham and W.H. Scholtes. 1958. Soil erodibility and other physical properties of some Iowa soils. Iowa Journal of Science 32: 485-540.
  • J-3331. Scholtes, W.H. and Don Kirkham. 1959. The use of radiocarbon for dating soil strata. (Belgian Journal of) Pedologie 7: 316-323.
  • Nielsen, D.R., Don Kirkham and R.E. Phillips. 1959. Synthetic soil conditioners: Soil aggregates and corn yields. Iowa Farm Science 13: 8-10.
  • J-3483. Nielsen, D.R., Don Kirkham and W.C. Burrows. 1958. Solids-water-air space relations of some Iowa soils. Iowa State College Journal of Science 33: 111-116.
  • J-3566. Kirkham, Don, M.F. DeBoodt and L. De Leenheer. 1959. Air permeability at the field capacity as related to soil structure and yields. Mededelingen van de Landbouwhogeschool van de Staat te Gent 24: 377-391.
  • J-3567. Kirkham, Don, M.F. DeBoodt and L. De Leenheer. 1959. Modulus of rupture determination on cylindrical core samples. Mededelingen van de Landbouwhogeschool van de Staat te Gent 24: 369-376.
  • J-3568. Kirkham, Don, L. De Leenheer and M.F. DeBoodt. 1959. Physical measurements and yields on some loam and clay soils in Belgium. Mededelingen van de Landbouwhogeschool van de Staat te Gent 24: 324-334.
  • J-3598. Maasland, Marinus and Don Kirkham. 1959. Measurement of the permeability of tri-axially anisotropic soil. Proc. Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers, Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, No. 2063: 25-34.
  • Kirkham, Don, M.F. DeBoodt and L. De Leenheer. 1959. Modulus of rupture determination on undisturbed soil core samples. Soil Sci. 87: 141-144.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1959. Review of Drainage Investigations and Design, Adana Plain Irrigation and Drainage Plan. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Public Works and Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton Engineers, Adana, Turkey and New York City, (mimeographed), 109 pages.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1959. Lorentz, Einstein and the discovery of relativity, a letter to the Editor. American Scientist 47: 232A, 236A.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1959. Abstract: Method of solving a class of mixed boundary value problems. The Am. Math. Monthly 66: 627.
  • J-3610. Nielsen, D.R., Don Kirkham and W.R. van Wijk. 1959. Measuring water stored temporarily about the field moisture capacity. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 23: 408-412.
  • J-3644. Phillips, R.E., C.R. Jensen and Don Kirkham. 1960. Use of radiation equipment for plow-layer density and moisture. Soil Science 89: 2-7.
  • J-3670. Kirkham, Don. 1959. Exact theory of flow into a partially penetrating well. Jour. Geophys. Res. 64: 1317-1327.
  • J-3713. Nielsen, D.R., Don Kirkham and E. R. Perrier. 1960. Soil capillary conductivity: comparison of measured and calculated values. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 24: 157-160.
  • J-3795. Stone, J.F., R.H. Shaw and Don Kirkham. 1960. Statistical parameters and reproducibility of the neutron method of measuring soil moisture. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.24: 435-438.
  • J-3796. Kirkham, Don. 1960. Seepage into ditches from a plane water table overlying a gravel substratum. J. Geophys. Res. 65: 1267-1272.
  • J-3803. DeBoodt, M.F., L. De Leenheer and Don Kirkham. 1961. Soil aggregate stability indexes and crop yields. Soil Science 91: 138-146.
  • J-3830. Kunze, R.J. and Don Kirkham. 1961. Deuterium and the self-diffusion coefficient of soil moisture. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 25: 9-12.
  • J-3874. Grover., Ben L. and Don Kirkham. 1961. A glassbead-glycerol model for non-steady-state tile drainage. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 25: 91-94.
  • J-3878. Grover, Ben L., J.T. Ligon and Don Kirkham. 1960. Operational characteristics of the laterals near the edge of a tile drainage system. J. Geophys. Res. 65: 3733-3738.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1960. Book review of Dr. H. Franz's treatise "Feldbodenkunde. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 24.
  • J-3902. Nielsen, D.R., Don Kirkham and W.R. van Wijk. 1961. Diffusion equation calculations of field soil water infiltration profiles. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 24: 165-168.
  • J-3904. Kirkham, Don. 1961. An upper limit for the height of the water table in drainage design formulas. Proc. Int. Soil Sci. Soc., Seventh Congress, Madison, Wisconsin, August, 1960. Commission VI, Vol 1: 486-492.
  • J-3919. Bartholomew, W.V. and Don Kirkham. 1961. Mathematical descriptions and interpretations of culture induced soil nitrogen changes. Proc. Int. Soil Sci. Soc., Seventh Congress, Madison, Wisconsin, August, 1960. Commission III. Vol. 2: 471-477.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1961. "Soil Physical Properties", article in Agricultural Engineer,s Handbook edited by C. B. Richey, Paul Jacobson and Carl W. Hall. McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc., New York.
  • J-3978. Phillips, R.E. and Don Kirkham. 1962. Soil compaction in the field - and corn growth. Agronomy Journal 54: 29-34.
  • J-3983. Toksöz, S. and Don Kirkham. 1961. Graphical solution and interpretation of a new drain-spacing formula. J. Geophys. Res. 66: 509-515.
  • J-3983a. Toksöz, Sadik and Don Kirkham. 1961. Yeni kir dren araligi - fornulunum grafik cozumu ve tefsiri. Tamin Bakanligi Topraksu 9: 72-78.
  • J-4082. Phillips, R.E. and Don Kirkham. 1962. Mechanical impedance and corn seedling root growth. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 26: 319-322.
  • J-4142. Rogowski, A.S. and Don Kirkham. 1962. Moisture, pressure, and formation of water-stable soil aggregates. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 26: 213-216.
  • J-4152. Kirkham, Don. 1961. Soil Physics 1936-1961 and a look ahead. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 25: 423-427.
  • J-4169. Kirkham, Don. 1961. Evaluation of (cot x sin 2mx ln(sin x/sin a)dx, etc. Iowa Academy of Science 68: 416-426.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1964. Chapter on Soil Physics. Handbook of Hydrology. McGraw Hill, New York.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1961. Lectures on agricultural drainage. Institute of Land Reclamation, College of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. 152 pages.

    Patents (Assigned to Iowa State University Research Foundation)
  • C.H.C. van Bavel - student of Don Kirkham's. Soil Stabilizer and Soil Treated Thereby. USA patent no. 2, 793. May 28, 1957.
  • Don Kirkham and John E. Adams. Apparatus for measuring diffusion coefficients of soil in place. USA patent no. 2, 913. Nov. 4, 1959.
  • Don Kirkham and John E. Adams. Apparatus for measuring erodibility, runoff, infiltration and other physical properties of soil in place. USA patent no. 2, 923, 148. Feb. 29, 1960.
  • Don Kirkham and Ben L. Grover. Apparatus for measuring fluid permeability of porous materials USA patent no. 2, 949, 766. August 23, 1960.
  • Don Kirkham and John F. Stone. Apparatus for measuring the water content of soil. USA patent no. 2, 999, 160. Sept. 5, 1961.
  • Kirkham, Don and Gizbili Muzaffer. 1961. Tarla Drenaji. Devlet su isleri. Ankara, Turkey. 85 pages. (Drainage Lectures in Turkish, State Hydraulic Works).
  • J-4214. Kunze, R.J. and Don Kirkham. 1962. Simplified accounting for membrane impedance in capillary conductivity determinations. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 26: 421-426.
  • J-4233. Kirkham, Don and R.J. Kunze. 1962. Isotope methods and uses in soil physics research. Advances in Agronomy Vol. 14: 325-358.
  • J-4293. Zaslavsky, D. and Don Kirkham. 1964. The streamline function for axially symmetric groundwater movenent. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 28: 150-164.
  • J-4370. Ligon, J.T., H.P. Johnson and Don Kirkham. 1963 Glass bead-glycerol model for studying the falling water table between open ditch drains. Agricultural Engineering 6: 61-64.
  • J-4373. Benoit, G.R. and Don Kirkham. 1963. The effect of soil surface conditions on evaporation of soil water. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 27: 495-498.
  • J-4377. Ligon, J.T., H.P. Johnson and Don Kirkham. 1962. Unsteady-state drainage of fluid from a vertical column of porous material. J. Geophys. Res. 67: 5199-5204.
  • J-4446. Kirkham, Don.1963. Soil physics research in some overdeveloped and underdeveloped countries. Food for Peace: Amer. Soc. Agronomy Special Publication No.l, pp. 71-76.
  • J-4475. Ligon, J.T., Don Kirkham and H.P. Johnson. 1964. The falling water table between open ditch drains. Soil Sci. 97: 113-118.
  • J-4476. Jensen, C.R. and Don Kirkham. 1963. Labeled oxygen: increased diffusion rate through soil containing growing corn roots. Science 141: 735-736.
  • J-4477. Jensen, C.R. and Don Kirkham. 1963. Oxygen-18 as a tracer in soil aeration studies. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 27: 499-501.
  • J-4498. Kunze, R.J. and Don Kirkham. 1964. Capillary diffusion and selfdiffusion of soil water. Soil Sci. 97: 145-151.
  • Radke, J.K., R.H. Shaw and Don Kirkham. 1963. Planting ridge, plastic mulch, speed corn growth. Crops and Soils, p. 24, vol. 15, No. 8.
  • J-4586. Flannery, R.D. and Don Kirkham. 1964. A soil core water permeameter for field use. Soil Sci. 97: 233-240.
  • J-4643. Kunze, R.J. and Don Kirkham. 1965. Models and equations for determining DOH exchange and enrichment in plants. Agronomy Journal 57: 279-282.
  • J-4740. Kirkham, Don. 1964. Recent trends in soil science research in the United States. Mededeligen van de Landbouwhogeschool en de Opzoekingsstations van de Staat Gent, Deel XXIX, No. 1 pp. 1-19.
  • J-4748. Kirkham, Don. 1964. Some physical processes causing movement of ions and other matter through soil. Mededeligen van de Landbouwhogeschool en de Opzoekingsstations van de Staat Gent, Deel XXIX No. 1. pp. 21-42.
  • Presentation of Don Kirkham for honorary doctors degree, Ghent, Belgium. Mededeligen van de Landbouwhogeschool en de Opzoekingsstations van de Staat Gent, Deel XXVIII Nr. 3.
  • Grover, Ben L. and Don Kirkham. 1964. Solving tile drainage problems by using model data. Agricultural Experiment Station, Iowa State University Research Bulletin No. 523.
  • J-4791. Kirkham, Don. 1964. Exact theory for the shape of the free water surface about a well in a semiconfined aquifer. J. Geophysical Res. 69: 2537-2549.
  • J-4801. Kirkham, Don. 1964. Physical artifices and formulas for approximating water table fall in tile-drained land. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 28: 585-590.
  • J-4930. Kirkham, Don and W.L. Powers. 1964. An exact theory of seepage of steady rainfall into tile and ditch drained land of finite depth. Trans. Intern. Congr. Soil Sci. 9th (Bucharest, Aug. 29 - Sept. 10).
  • Kirkham, Don. 1963. A sum formula. Problem 5156. Am. Math. Monthly 70: 1107. See also 71: 1141-1142 and 72: 796-797.
  • J-5014. Kirkham, Don. 1964. Some recent land drainage investigations at Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa. U.S.A. Proc. Sodic-soils symposium, Aug. 9-16, Hungarian Academy of Science Suppletr)ent TOM. 14: 229-234.
  • J-5032. Toksöz, Sadik, Don Kirkham and E. Robert Baumann. 1965. Two-dimensional infiltration and wetting fronts. Proc. Am. Soc. of Civ. Eng. 91: 65-79.
  • J-5048. Kirkham, Don. 1965. Seepage of leaching water into drainage ditches of unequal water level heights. J. of Hydrology 3: 207-224.
  • J-5060. Kirkham, Don. 1966. Steady-state theories for drainage. J. Irrigation and Drainage Division Proc. Am. Soc. Civil Engr. 92-19-39.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1967. Closure of discussion on "Steady-state theories for drainage". J. Irrigation and Drainage Division. IR 2, pp. 69-74. (Refers to IR3, pp. 81-82 and IR4, pp. 75-88).
  • Kirkham, Don and W.L. Powers. 1965. Mathematical Soil Physics. (A set of Advanced Soil Physics class notes).
  • J-5131. Zaslavsky, Dan and Don Kirkham. 1965. Streamline functions for potential flow in axial symmetry. Amer. J. Physics. 33: 677-679.
  • J-5182. Corey, J.C. and Don Kirkham. 1965. Miscible displacement of N-15 tagged nitrate and tritiated water in water-saturated and water-unsaturated soil. Proceedings of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Symposium on the "Use of Isotopes and Radiation in Soil-Plant Nutrition Studies" at Ankara, Turkey, June 28. Published by IAEA, Vienna (Austria), pp. 157-170.
  • J-5196. Rogowski, A.S., W.D. Shrader, Don Kirkham and H.P. Johnson. 1965. Tile drainage experimentation on Webster soils: Results of years 1954-1963. Iowa State Journal of Science 41: 25-40. 1965.
  • J-5254. Asseed, Mohamed and Don Kirkham. 1966. Depth of barrier and water table fall in a tile drainage model. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 30: 292-298.
  • J-5277. Hinesly, T.D. and Don Kirkham. 1966. Theory and flow nets for rain and artesian water seeping into soil drains. Water Resources Research 2: 497-511.
  • Kirkham, Don and Floyd Andre. 1966. A study of some aspects of higher education in Argentina (section on agriculture). International Institute of Education, United Nations Plaza, New York.
  • J-5310. Kirkham, Don. 1965. Saturated conductivity as a characterizer of soil for drainage design, in "Drainage for Efficient Crop Production, Conference Proceedings, December, 1965, pp. 24-31", published by Am. Soc. of Agric. Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan.
  • J-5312. Kirkham, Don. 1967. Physical model for Dupuit-Forchheimer drainage theory. International Soil Water Symposium, June 5-11, Prague, Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovak National Committee of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage. 385-395.
  • J-5381. Corey, J.C., Don Kirkham and Donald R. Nielsen. 1967. The movement of chloride and nitrate through certain Iowa soils. Iowa Academy of Science 74: 130-141.
  • Kirkham, Don and W.L. Powers. 1966. Factors influencing hydraulic conductivities of soils, etc., in "Environmental Biology", published by Federation of Amer. Societies for Experimental Biology, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland, pp. 462-463.
  • J-5433. Corey, J.C., D.R. Nielsen, J.C. Picken, Jr. and Don Kirkham. 1967. Miscible displacement through gamma radiation-sterilized soil columns. J. of Environmental Science 1: 144-147.
  • J-5469. Kirkham, Don. 1967. Explanation of paradoxes in Dupuit-Forchheimer seepage theory. Water Resources Research 3: 609-622.
  • J-5469. Kirkham, Don. 1967. Explanation of paradoxes in Dupuit-Forchheimer seepage theory. Reprinted from Engr. News 12: 22-39. Quarterly J. of West Pakistan Engr. Congreso, Lahore, West Pakistan.
  • J-5520. Powers, W.L., Don Kirkham and Gretchen Snowden. 1967. Seepage of steady rainfall through soil into ditches of unequal water level heights. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 31: 201-312.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1966. The use of isotopes in soil physics research. Abstract llth Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, Japan. Symposium 34. 1966.
  • J-5552. Powers, W.L., Don Kirkham and G. Snowden. 1967. Orthonormal function tables and the seepage of steady rain through soil bedding. J. Geophysical Res. 72: 6225-6237.
  • J-5572. Corey, J.C., D.R. Nielsen and Don Kirkham. 1967. Miscible displacement of nitrate through soil columns. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 31: 497-501.
  • J-5593. Fritton, D.D., Don Kirkham and R.H. Shaw. 1967. Soil water and chloride redistribution under various evaporation potentials. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 31: 599-603.
  • Kirkham, Don (Joint Editor). 1966. Plant environment and efficient water use. American Society of Agronomy (ASA) and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA). 295 pages.
  • J-5651. Kirkham, Don, D.E. Rolston and D.D. Fritton. 1967. Gamma-radiation detection of water content in two-dimensional evaporation prevention experiments. In "Isotope and Radiation Techniques in Soil Physics and Irrigation Studies", Istanbul, Turkey, June 12-16, 1967. Published by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria), 1: 3-16. 1967.
  • J-5770. Kirkham, Don and Helmy Bakr. 1969. Some recent research on land drainage. Proceedings Int. Land Reclamation Symposium, Yerevan, Armenia, U.S.S.R. May 25-31.
  • Similar to J-5770 except published 1971 in Russian in The Transactions of the Research Institute and Soil Science and Agrochemistry 6: 693-704, Yerevan, Armenia.
  • J-5776. Rogowski, A.S., W.C. Moldenhauer and Don Kirkham. 1968. Rupture parameters of soil aggregates. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 32: 720-724.
  • J-5796. Mansell, Robert S., Donald R. Nielsen and Don Kirkham. 1968. A method for simultaneous control of aeration and unsaturated water movement in laboratory soil columns. Soil Science 106: 114-121.
  • J-5807. Warrick, A.W. and Don Kirkham. 1968. Determination of equivalent radii for half-tube and whole-tube drains in contact with an impermeable barrier. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 32: 449-451.
  • J-5812. Kirkham, Don. 1968. Reply of the author to a note by E. C. Childs and E. G. Youngs on the paper "Explanation of paradoxes in Dupuit-Forchheimer seepage theory." Water Resources Research 4:221-222.
  • J-5850. Kirkham, Don. 1969. Use of nuclear energy in water studies for increasing agricultural productivity. Article in Proceedings of Conference, "Application of Nuclear Energy to Increased Agricultural Productivity," Santiago, Chile, 9-12 January, 1968, of Interamerican Commission of Nuclear Energy of Pan American Union, pp. 11-35, Washington, D.C.
  • Asseed, Mohamed and Don Kirkham. 1968. Advance of irrigation water on the soil surface in relation to soil infiltration rate: A mathematical and laboratory model study. Iowa Ag. & Home Ec. Expt. Station Res. Bul. 565.
  • Fritton, Daniel D. (single author, part of his Ph.D. thesis under Don Kirkham). 1969. Resolving time, mass absorption coefficient and water content with gamma-ray attenuation. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 33: 651-655.
  • Kirkham, Don. Technique for solving mixed boundary value problems. (Being reworked).
  • J-6099. Warrick, A.W. and Don Kirkham. 1969. Two-dimensional seepage of ponded water to full ditch drains. Water Resources Research 5: 685-693.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1968. Book Review of "Physical Principles of Water Percolation and Seepage", UNESCO, Paris, by Bear, J. D., D. Zaslavsky and S. Irmay. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union. 49: 561. 1968.
  • J-6101. Rolston, Dennis E., D.R. Nielsen and Don Kirkham. 1969. Miscible displacement of gases through soil columns. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 33: 488-492.
  • J-6240. Kirkham, Don. 1970. The importance of water resources research. Symposium "Water Resources of Iowa", Iowa Academy of Science, April 1969; published by Iowa Academy of Science, pp. 159-175. 1970.
  • J-6241. Srinilta, Sam-Arng, D.R. Nielsen and Don Kirkham. 1969. Steady flow of water through a two-layer soil. Water Resources Research 5: 1053-1063.
  • J-6250. Selim, H., Don Kirkham and M. Amemiya. 1970. A comparison of two methods for determining soil water diffusivity. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 34: 14-18.
  • J-6272. Fritton, D.D., Don Kirkham and R. H. Shaw. 1970. Soil-water evaporation, isothermal diffusion, and heat and moisture transfer. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 34: 183-189.
  • J-6279. Selim, H.M., and Don Kirkham. 1970. Soil temperature and water content changes under drying as influenced by cracks, a laboratory experiment. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 34: 565-569.
  • J-6302. Toksöz, Sadik, and Don Kirkham. 1971. Steady drainage of layered soils: I. Theory. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 97: IR1: 1-18.
  • J-6335. Toksöz, Sadik, and Don Kirkham. 1971. Steady drainage of layered soils: II. Nomographs. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 97: IR1: 19-37.
  • J-6402. Mansell, R.S., Don Kirkham and D.R. Nielsen. 1970. Nitrate and detergent recovery in aerated soil columns. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 34: 883-889.
  • Rechard, Paul, and Don Kirkham. 1970. The university's role in National Water Policy, Discussion Report, Group 3 "Should the universities only be in the business of extending methodology and procedures, or should they assist in their application?" Proceedings of a Conference of the University Council of Water Resources, Blacksburg, Virginia, July 27-29 p. 63.
  • J-6602. Khan, M.Y., Don Kirkham, and Sadik Toksöz. 1971. Steady state flow around a well in a two-layered aquifer. Water Resour. Res. 7: 155-165.
  • J-6642. Khan, M.Y., Don Kirkham. 1971. Spacing of drainage wells in a layered aquifer. Water Resour. Res. 7: 166-183.
  • J-6691. Yoo, Sun-Ho, and Don Kirkham. 1971. Flow cell system for miscible displacement experiments. Water Resour. Res. 7: 211-213. U.S. AEC Contract AT-(11-1)-1269. Report C00-1269-23.
  • J-6721. van der Ploeg, R.R., Don Kirkham, and C.W. Boast. 1971. Steady-state well flow theory for a confined elliptical aquifer. Water Resour. Res. 7: 942-954.
  • J-6752. Boast, C.W., and Don Kirkham. 1971. Auger hole seepage theory. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 35: 365-373.
  • J-6777. Kirkham, Don, and J.C. Corey. 1973. Recent progress in the design of radiation equipment and its practical implications. Proceedings of the International Atomic Energy Agency's Symposium on "Soil-Moisture and Irrigation Studies II" at Vienna, Austria, in Nov., 1970, published by Int. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, pp. 17-39.
  • J-6886. Mulqueen, John, and Don Kirkham. 1972. Leaching of sodium chloride into tile drains in a sand-tank model. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 36: 3-9.
  • Boersma, L.L., Don Kirkham, E.B. Norum, R. Ziemer, J.C. Guitjens, J. Davidson, and J.N. Luthin. 1971. Soil Moisture. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 57: 279-285.
  • J-6957. Kirkham, Don, and R.R. van der Ploeg. 1974. Ground-water flow patterns in confined aquifers and pollution. J. Amer. Water Works Assn. 66(3): 192-197.
  • J-6963. Selim, H.M., and Don Kirkham. 1973.Unsteady two-dimensional flow of water in unsaturated soils above an impervious barrier. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 37: 489-495.
  • J-6973. van der Ploeg, R.R., Don Kirkham, and L.V.A. Sendlein. 1973. Groundwater flow patterns of the Ames aquifer. Proc. Iowa Acad. of Sci. 80(2): 103-110.
  • J-6994. Selim, H.M., and Don Kirkham. 1974. Unsteady state two-dimensional water content distribution and wetting fronts in soils. Geoderma 11: 259-274.
    189. J-6995. Selim, M.S., and Don Kirkham. 1972. Seepage through soil bedding or a hillside due to a steady rainfall: I. Soil surface of constant slope. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 36: 402-407.
  • J-7001. Selim, M.S., and Don Kirkham. 1972. Seepage through soil bedding or a hillside due to a steady rainfall: II. Soil surface of arbitrary shape. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 36: 407-412.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1973. Book Review of "Soil Physics (fourth edition)", John Wiley, New York, by Baver, L.D., Gardner, Walter H., and Gardner, Wilford R. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union (EOS) 54(4): 185.
  • J-7031. Selim, H.M., M. Sami Selim, and Don Kirkham. 1975. Mathematical analysis of steady saturated flow through a multilayered soil with a sloping surface. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 39 (May-June): 445-453.
  • J-7086. Kirkham, Don. 1971. Isotopes and radiation in relation to soil moisture, irrigation, and efficient water use. In Proccedings, International Symposium on Use of Isotopes and Radiation in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Research. New Delhi, India. Pp. 380-395.
  • J-7106. Timmons, J.F., Don Kirkham, and others. 1972. Soil Science in relation to water resources development: V. Economics evaluation of water resources data. Water Committee Paper (S878), Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 36: 186-194.
  • J-7171. Khan, M.Y., and Don Kirkham. 1972. Reply. Water Resour. Res. 8: 1124-1127.
  • Kirkham, Don, and W.L. Powers. 1972. Advanced Soil Physics, 534 pp. Wiley-Interscience, New York.
  • J-7343. Gabriels, D.M., W.C. Moldenhauer, and Don Kirkham. 1973. Infiltration, hydraulic conductivity, and resistance to ater-drop impact of clod beds as affected by chemical treatment. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 37: 634-637.
  • J-7448. Kirkham, Don, and M. Sami Selim. 1973. Theory of a gravel envelope in drainage design. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 37: 517-521.
  • J-7590. Kirkham, Don. 1973. Soil physics and soil fertility. In Proceedings International Soil Fertility Week. Agronomical Research Center, Gembloux, Belgium, Sept. 2-7, pp.60-88. Also in Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques de Gembloux Faculte des Sciences Agronomique de l'Etat, n.s. Vol. 8(2): 60-88.
  • J-7652. Selim, M.S., and Don Kirkham. 1973. Reply. Seepage through soil bedding or a hillside due to a steady rainfall. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 37: 817.
  • J-7665. Selim, M.S., and Don Kirkham. 1974. Screen theory for wells and soil drain pipes. Water Resour. Res. 10: 1019-1030.
  • J-7691. Kirkham, Don, and R.R. van der Ploeg. 1973. Potential and flow fields for multiple groundwater wells in a confined aquifer. Proceedings Symposium on Development of Groundwater Resources, College of Engineering, University of Madras, Madras, India, Vol. 2, part IV, pp. 153-164. (Nov. 26-29, 1973, Congress dates).
  • Kirkham, Don. 1973. Iowa. (An annual report of the Iowa State Water Resources Research Institute for 1973). In 1973 Annual Report, Cooperative Water Resources Research and Training. Office of Water Resources Research, U.S. Department of the Interior. Pp. 82-83. (Earlier Iowa Reports are in earlier volumes 1964 to 1972).
  • J-7772. Kirkham, Don, Sadik Toksöz, and R.R. van der Ploeg. 1974. Steady flow to drains and wells, p.203-243. In Jan van Schilfgaarde (ed.) Drainage for Agriculture. Agron. Monogr. 17, ASA and SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin.
  • J-7804. Powell, N.L., and Don Kirkham. 1974. Flow patterns of steady rainfall seeping through bedded land or a hillside with a barrier at great depth. J. Hydrol. 23: 203-217.
  • J-7823. Powell, N.L., and Don Kirkham. 1976. Tile drainage in a bedded soil or draw. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 40: 625-630.
  • J-8169. Khan, M.Y., Don Kirkham, and R.L. Handy. 1976. Shapes of steady state perched groundwater mounds. Water Resour. Res. 12(3): 429-436.
  • J-8169a. Khan, M.Y., Don Kirkham, and R.L. Handy. 1977. Reply. Water Resour. Res. 13(2): 503.
  • J-8304. Rogowski, A.S., and Don Kirkham. 1976. Strength of soil aggregates: influence of size, density, and clay and organic matter content. Proc. Int. Symp. On Soil Conditioners. Ghent University, Belgium, 8-12 December, 1975.
    Also (with Discussion) in Med. Fac. Landbouw. Rijksuniv. Gent 41/1-1976, pp. 85-100.
  • J-8428. Affleck, S.B., Don Kirkham, and W.F. Buchele. 1976. Seedbed preparation for optimum temperature, moisture, aeration and mechanical impedance. Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the International Soil Tillage Research Organization, ISTRO. Report No. 45, 1976, of the Division of Soil Management, Agricultural College of Sweden, S-750 07. Uppsala.
  • J-8521. Kirkham, Don, and S.B. Affleck. 1977. Solute travel times to wells. Ground Water 15: 231-242.
  • J-8611. Najmaii, M., Don Kirkham, and M.D. Dougal. 1978. Tube drainage in stratified soil above an aquifer. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, ASCE (Proceedings paper 13829) 104 (No. IR2): 209-228.
  • J-8716. Cushman, John, and Don Kirkham. 1978. Solute travel times to wells in single or multiple layered aquifers. J. Hydrol. 37: 169-174.
  • J-8723. Kirkham, Don, and Lyle Prunty. 1977. Upslope recharge, downslope waterlogging and interceptor drains. The Third National Drainage Symposium Proceedings, American Society of Agricultural Engineers. P.O. Box 410, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085.
  • J-8824. Mousavi, S.F., and Don Kirkham. 1978. Porous media tests of groundwater mounds. Soil Science 125: 160-164.
  • J-8835. Kirkham, Don. 1976. Soil Physics and Plant Growth. In Anuario del Centro de Edafologia y Biologia Aplicada de Salamanca.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1978. Water, our prime resource. Commencement Address, Iowa State University, February 25, 1978. (Unpublished).
  • J-8853. Cushman, John, and Don Kirkham. 1978. A two-dimensional linearized view of one dimensional unsaturated-saturated flow. Water Resour. Res. 14: 319-323.
  • J-8865. Kirkham, Don, and M. Olga Sotres. 1978. Casing depths and solute travel times to wells. Water Resour. Res. 14: 237-243.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1979. Some concepts and misconcepts of drainage theory. Virgil Overholt Drainage Hall of Fame Award talk, at Ohio State University, March 9, 1979, Columbia, Ohio. (Unpublished).
  • J-8881. Battikhi, Anwar, and Don Kirkham. 1979. Casing and leak depths, and solute travel times to wells. Water Resources Bulletin 15(4): 1004-1015.
  • J-9111. Kirkham, Don, and Olga Sotres. 1979. Influence of cover slab diameter on solute travel time to wells. Water Resour. Res.15(4): 941-948.
  • J-9126. Prunty, Lyle, and Don Kirkham. 1979. A drainage model for a reclaimed surface mine. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 43: 28-34.
  • J-9339. Cushman, John H., Don Kirkham, and Roy F. Keller. 1979. A Galerkin in time, linearized finite element model of 2-dimensional unsaturated porous media drainage. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 43: 638-641.
  • J-9369. Prunty, Lyle, and Don Kirkham. 1980. Seepage versus terrace density in reclaimed mineland soil. Journal of Environ. Qual. 9: 273-278.
  • J-9518. Henning, Stanley J., Don Kirkham, and Stephen B. Affleck. 1979. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the International Soil Tillage Research Organization, ISTRO, Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Stuttgart, Hohenheim, Germany. Sept. 8-15, 1979, Vol. 1: 103-108.
  • No J-no.. Kirkham, Don. 1980. Soil Physics. In Encyclopedia of Physics, pp. 927-928. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass.
  • J-9924. Kanwar, R.S., J.L. Baker, H.P. Johnson, and Don Kirkham. 1980. Nitrate movement with zero-order denitrification in a soil profile. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 44: 898-902.
  • J-10055. Kanwar, R.S., H.P. Johnson, and Don Kirkham. 1982. Transport of nitrate and gaseous denitrification in soil columns during leaching. J. Hydrol. 55: 171-184.
  • J-10221. Troeh, Frederick R., Jalal D. Jabro, and Don Kirkham. 1982. Gaseous diffusion equations for porous materials. Geoderma 27: 239-243.
  • Brandyk, Tomasz, and Don Kirkham. 1982. Examination of diffusivity theory for muck and sands. Annals of Warsaw Agricultural University, Land Reclamation 19: 3-8.
  • J-10676. Kirkham, Don. 1982. Free surface potential theory for a gravity well. In Papers International Symposium. Polders of the World, Vol. II, pp. 13-23. International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Mousavi, S.F., and Don Kirkham. 1982. Mineland seepage and its control., Iran Agricultural Research 1 (no. 2): 164-179.
  • Powers, W.L., and Don Kirkham. 1984. Advanced Soil Physics, revised edition, 539 pp., Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, Inc., Malabar, Florida 32950.
  • J-11127. Modaihsh, Abdullah Saad, Robert Horton, and Don Kirkham. 1985. Soil water evaporation suppression by sand mulches. Soil Science 137: 357-361.
  • On my lecture tour of the People's Republic of China 1985, I was presented two volumes of translations into Chinese of sections from Kirkham and Powers Advanced Soil Physics, Vol. I, October, 1980, dealt with Unsaturated Water Flow; Vol. II, 1982, dealt with Saturated Water Flow. The publisher was Tsinghua University, Department of Hydraulics, Water Resources, Irrigationand Drainage Division. Beijing, People's Republic of China. I did not know until 1985 about these published translations.
  • J-12554. Kirkham, Don, and Robert Horton. 1986. Subirrigation with drainage for drought-prone areas. Proceedings, International Conference of Water Resources Needs and Planning in Drought-Prone Areas, Khartoum, Sudan, Dec. 6-12. Published by Khartoum University Press. Designated a "distinguished" paper, pp. 957-979.
  • J-12603. Walczak, R.T., R.R. van der Ploeg, and Don Kirkham. 1988. An algorithm for the calculation of drain spacings for layered soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 52: 336-340.
  • J-13651. Kirkham, Don, and Robert Horton. 1989. Groundwater management by a dual-pipe subirrigation system. Proceedings of the Benidorm (Spain) Symposium Oct. 1989 of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Publ. 188, pp. 53-56.
  • Kirkham, Don. 1991. Article: Soil Physics. P. 1124-1126. In Rita G. Lerner and George L. Trigg (eds.) Encyclopedia of Physics. VCH Publishers, Inc., New York.
  • J-13907. Kirkham, Don, and Robert Horton. 1992. The stream function of potential theory for a dual-pipe subirrigation-drainage system. Water Resour. Res. 28(2): 373-387.
  • J-13655. Kirkham, Don, and Robert Horton. 1993. Modeling water flow from subirrigation with drainage. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 57: 1451-1457.
  • Kirkham, Don, R.R. van der Ploeg, and R. Horton. 1997. Potential theory for dual-depth subsurface drainage of ponded land. Water Resour. Res. 33: 1643-1654.
  • van der Ploeg, R.R., Maria Marquardt, and Don Kirkham. 1997. On the history of the ellipse equation for soil drainage. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 61: 1604-1606.
  • van der Ploeg, R. R., R. Horton and Don Kirkham. 1999. Steady flow to drains and wells. p.213-263. In: R.W. Skaggs and J. van Schilfgaarde (eds.) Agricultural Drainage. Agronomy Monograph No. 38, ASA/CSSA/SSSA, Madison (WI), USA