Glossary of Crop Science Terms - Browse | Soil Science Society of America Skip to main content
washboard effectSee rippling.
wear The collective injurious effects of traffic on a turf.
western blot A procedure for transfer of proteins after separation on a polyacrylamide gel to a suitable immobilizing matrix such as a nitrocellulose sheet. The proteins attached to the support matrix can then be probed with a specific antibody to identify a particular protein species. Usage: Not capitalized. Compare Southern blot; northern blot.
wet weight Weight before drying.
whipping pole A bamboo stalk or other pole used in poling turf.
whorl stage Developmental stage of a grass plant prior to the emergence of the inflorescence. Synonym (in the grass family): vegetative stage.
wind pollination The movement of pollen from the anther to the stigma by action of natural wind currents.
windrow A row of cut or uprooted plants raked up or pulled together to dry and/or to facilitate harvest. See also swathing.
winter discolorationSee low-temperature discoloration.
winter overseeding Seeding cool-season turfgrasses over warm-season turfgrasses at or near their start of winter dormancy; used in mild climates to provide green, growing turf during the winter period when the warm-season species are brown and dormant.
winterkill Any injury to turfgrass plants that occurs during the winter period.

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