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ID # 244
Subangular blocky microstructureFrom the Soil Micromorphology Slide Collection
STEM Standard addressed: ESS2E - Biogeology
Appropriate Grade Level(s)
- College-level
- Classroom Lectures
- Laboratory Activities
- Soil Microbiology
Data for the horizon Horizon sampled: BE Depth sampled: 21-28 cm
Macromorphological description of horizon: 10 YR 4/3; silt loam; moderate medium parting to fine subangular blocky structure; friable; common medium roots; common 10 YR 3/1 organic coatings along channels and fecal pellets.
Data for thin section
Preparation of sample: Air dry
Impregnating medium: Polyester resin
Thickness of section: 30 µm
Orientation of section: Vertical
Soil Classification
U.S.: Fine-silty, mixed, mesic Typic Hapludalf (Fayette series)
Physiographic position: Upland
Topography and hill slope position: 4% slope; summit Parent material: Wisconsinan loess (Peoria)
Climatic data: MAP = 864 mm; humid continental climate
Drainage class: Well
Vegetation: Second growth deciduous forest (pastured)
Macromorphological description of horizon: 10 YR 4/3; silt loam; moderate medium parting to fine subangular blocky structure; friable; common medium roots; common 10 YR 3/1 organic coatings along channels and fecal pellets.
Data for thin section
Preparation of sample: Air dry
Impregnating medium: Polyester resin
Thickness of section: 30 µm
Orientation of section: Vertical
Soil Classification
U.S.: Fine-silty, mixed, mesic Typic Hapludalf (Fayette series)
Physiographic position: Upland
Topography and hill slope position: 4% slope; summit Parent material: Wisconsinan loess (Peoria)
Climatic data: MAP = 864 mm; humid continental climate
Drainage class: Well
Vegetation: Second growth deciduous forest (pastured)
Data for 35-mm slide
Frame length: 7 mm
Light mode: Plane polarized
Frame length: 7 mm
Light mode: Plane polarized
Source - M. L. Thompson
Slide MS9. Soil Science Society of America, 1993. A Reference Slide Collection for Soil Micromorphology. SSSA, Madison, WI.
Slide MS9. Soil Science Society of America, 1993. A Reference Slide Collection for Soil Micromorphology. SSSA, Madison, WI.
Peer Review: Yes
Credit this item to: SSSAMedia Date: 1993-01-01
Provided By: (SSSA) Soil Science Society of America
Latitude: 42.1292592
Longitude: -92.539603
* Soil Science Society of America
Submitted By: (SSSA) Soil Science Society of America
- Porosity and Microstructure
- BE Horizon
- micromorphology
- Subangular blocky microstructure
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